It's a sellers market! Inventory is low, prices are high, and properties are selling quickly, so why should you hire a professional photographer when you probably have a great camera right on your phone!?
The short answer is, no matter where the market is, professional photographs will help your listing sell quicker and for a higher price. If properties are selling quickly, (as they are in 2021/2022) then pro photos will push the listing to sell even quicker and for a higher price point according to recent statistics.
Quarantine has changed the game. In a world where digital marketing was already becoming increasingly important, the pandemic has expedited that to the point where 95% of people are at least beginning their home buying journey online. Great photos will capture the attention of viewers quicker and keep them looking longer at your listing. So even in a market where everything seems to be selling quickly, there is still competition, and professional photos are the edge your listing needs.

A great camera is not hard to come by nowadays, in fact most people have one right in their pocket at all times. A phone camera can be an excellent piece of equipment, but does not mean you'll get an amazing photos out of it. The camera is only step one. Then comes composition, lighting, color accuracy, verticals, etc...the list goes on and on! A professional photographer isn't just a person with good equipment, they are an expert in showcasing your property or listing in the best possible light to stand out above the competition.
A professional photographer also doesn't only take photos, they can do aerial photos, floor plans, video walk throughs, virtual tours, and more. All of these services gives the agent the best chance of capturing more peoples attention faster, and keeping their attention much longer than snap shots on your phone or even high end camera.
You can take all the high resolution photos you want, but nothing will sell your property faster and for a higher price point than a professional photographer!
